
4 months

You are no longer an Infant, and starting to be a baby. The kind that Hollywood makes you think your supposed to have right out of the womb. I must say I am loving it. You talk to us everyday with so much excitement and bring joy to your dad and I. You laugh and it makes your dad and I laugh too. How did we ever get along with out you here. Last night you decided what people have told us you'd do around this age, you woke up in the middle of the night laughed and talked to yourself, then fell back asleep. 
You are the greatest Truman. You know momma loves her sleep and you give her that blessing of sleeping 10 to 11 hours every night. 10:00 pm to about 9:00 am.
Your kinda short but that's ok you'll grow. 
Height: 24 inches (25-30%)
Weight: 15 lbs 2 ounces (50%)
your our little squishy round butter ball..love you keep it up!

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