
5 Months

Rolling over and over and over again. Rice Cereal Your becoming a champ at slowly but surley. I dont know exactly how much you weigh but I know your growing 50 percentile across the board thus far so I am not to worried. I am getting nervous for feeding you food. It seems like soooo much but? If only there was a guidline that told me how much what and when to feed you. sorry I guess we will learn together..(any moms out there that know of a guidline that says how much when and what to feed these little kids please fill me in) thanks! Happy 5 months Tru


Harrison and Christine said...

Babywise book 2! It's for ages 5 months to 12 months! It literally says what to feed, how to feed, when to feed, and how much to feed your baby! Loved it ;)

Kendra said...

oh my goodness, he's getting so big! And handsome!

Crystal and Kyle said...

Yeah! I'm glad you commented on my blog so I could get your blog address! Now I can read your blog. Truman is so big. I can't believe he is already 5 months old! We are so excited to see you guys next weekend.