

MR. EMMETT is one years old. MY how this year has been an adventure. We have experienced so much in your first year of life its amazing. You love to eat whatever anyone else is eating and have a funny way of letting them know they need to share with you. Your not quite walking yet but you'll get there, I am in no rush. You climb on everything which is so scary. There are so many times we find you on top of our dresser, you simply pull your self up onto the chair then from the chair to the dresser. Strong upper body strength that is for sure. You clap, wave, and love to tell us lots of stories. You babble and its the cutest thing. I love getting the words out that are clear to hear from you, it makes us happy. You are very tall and lean says the doctor. We are loving watching you grow. You love to follow your big brother around its the cutest. Its nice! We love you please stay sweet and keep being so smiley!

12 month stats:
weight: 21 lbs (36%)
height: 30.7 inches (80%)

I am grateful for taking your month by month pictures, o how I have loved watching you grow..

clap clap clap


When Emmett was first born people kept saying Truman and him look so much a like. here is both of them at 12 months. Truman on left Emmett on the right

Truman left and Emmett on right!